Sponsorships & Other Kindred Spirits

Empowering Programs, Empowering Partners

From our relationships with College and Universities across the country to other Non-Profit Organizations (NPOs), and our growing network of Business Sponsors

16 Things Kids Can Do is working to empower Kids, People & The Planet to Get Involved, Get Informed & Get Going!

Corporate Sponsors: Harness the Power of
16 Things Social Responsibility Programs

Getting Involved

Please contact me directly to talk about how our two organizations may be able to work together — on any of our programs or publicity projects including “Cool Moves” our Hip Hop Music Video; our 48-Hour National Telethon; our Public Service Announcements — or something entirely new!

And anything you can do in the interim — whether it’s in the form of a testimonial, e-mail or letter, a link on your web site or a donation of time or dollars — Everything counts and every effort helps, and is appreciated.

Very much looking forward to speaking with you and being of service.

With Best Regards,
Lyle Benjamin
Executive Director
​212 213-0257​​

Open Letter to Company CEO’s

Because of the important work your organization does in regard to Social Responsibility, our non-profit educational organization, 16 Things Kids Can Do, would like to enlist your support for “10 Seconds To Change” – Our petition drive to have the President declare August as “National Kid’s Month.”

It’s a great way to show the world that your company is Socially Responsible, and for you to garner tremendously beneficial PR (and increased sales) through our programs. Then, come join us as part of the Delegation to the White House when we make it happen!

Sponsor (paypal button)

Our Mission is All Inclusive: Us, You, Everyone.

“16 Things” is designed to provide an on-going network of books, programs, events and activities that educate and empower kids and people to be proactive throughout their lives on a host of fundamental issues … subjects like health, nutrition, education, finance, business, the environment, life skills and volunteering. And when kids and people are empowered, they can help change family, peer and world dynamics as well.

Endorsed by “Chicken Soup for the Soul”
Co-Author Mark Victor Hansen.

Our Programs:
That’s the power of “16 Things Kids Can Do”: Books, Better Communication & Literacy Workshops, Programs, Clubs, Internships, etc. that help Kids, People & The Planet “Get It” on a whole range of important issues.

The Next Step:
But to make this type of sea-change, we need your support of you and your network. So, please take a few minutes to send a “shout out” to your fans, family, friends and associates about joining our petition drive

Facebook & Social Media Version

A wonderful organization doing great things for everyone, www.16ThingsKidsCanDo.Org, needs your help in petitioning the President to declare August as “National Kid’s Month!” It only takes “10 Seconds To Change” the world! Sign up and pass it on, and as they say: “Get Involved. Get Informed & Get Going!” – P.S. Volunteers of all ages wanted from the U.S. to around the World!

Twitter Version

Wonderful org 16ThingsKidsCanDo.Org nds yr hlp! Petition Prez 2 declare Aug
“Nat’l Kids Month!” SignUp/RT “10SecondsToChange” PS: Voluntr!