16 Things Programs:
Addressing A Critical Need:
“16 Things” is designed to provide an on-going network of books, programs, events and activities that educate and empower kids and people to be proactive throughout their lives on a host of fundamental issues … subjects like health, nutrition, finance, education, business, the environment, life skills, and volunteering. And when kids and people are empowered, they can help change family and peer dynamics as well.
Reference Book Series:
Program Director and Author, Lyle Benjamin, has created a new hybrid publishing format that combines the benefits of Magazine Advertising and Branding with the longevity and credibility of Reference Book. Endorsed by Mark Victor Hansen (Chicken Soup for the Soul), series of over two dozen books each depicting 16 problems people encounter in specific areas of their lives, their normal unproductive responses, and “The Real Deal” – the steps they need to do and why – to solve the problems.
Each problem is also addressed by two industry experts that give their testimony as to the why and how to address the issue. Experts have their photo, credentials, achievements, website, e-mail and phone number published to increase the credibility of their testimony. The books form a network of reference books that are used in “Better Communication & Literacy Workshops.”
A Quick Program Guide:
1. 10 Seconds to Change: Presidential Petition Program to have August Declared National Kid’s Awareness Activities and Acknowledgment Month. (Priority: Immediate. Time-Frame: 1-3 Months.)
2. 16 Things Club College Outreach: National program to establish 16 Things Clubs in Colleges and High Schools across the country. (Priority: Immediate. Time-Frame: On-Going.)
3. 16 Things Greek Organization Outreach: National program to establish 16 Things Programs at Greek National and Chapters organizational levels. (Priority: Immediate. Time-Frame: 6-12 Months.)
4. 16 Things Celebrity Outreach: National program to enlist Actors, Athletes, Musicians, Politicians, etc. to support 16 Things programs. (Priority: Immediate. Time-Frame: On-Going.)
5. 16 Things Community Outreach: Local and/ or National program to make 16 Things educational and work programs available through schools, churches/temples, libraries and other organizations. (Priority: Immediate. Time-Frame: On-Going.)
6. Reference Book Series: Author, Lyle Benjamin, created an educational Reference Book series where each book depicts 16 problems people encounter in specific areas of their lives, their normal unproductive responses, and “The Real Deal” -– the steps readers need to take to solve the problems and why. Each problem is also addressed by two industry experts that supply their testimonials and their credentials, web sites, and contact information. (Priority: Immediate. Time-Frame: On-Going.)
7. Better Communication & Literacy Workshops: Workshop participants receive peer support as they read out loud from books provided through the non-profit educational organization, 16ThingsKidsCanDo.Org, and discuss problems and solutions. (Priority: High. Time-Frame: On-Going.)
8. Global Initiative Program: 16 Things Global Initiative Programs provide a Forum for people of all ages to define specific problems that confront the world, and then ask readers to provide possible solutions to these problems. (Priority: High. Time-Frame: On-Going.)
9. Financial Services Work Program: Provide free college and community based financial seminars that teach people how to build for retirement, fund children’s education, reduce the effects of inflation and create wealth, tax-free, according to IRS code. (Priority: High. Time-Frame: On-Going.)
10. Health Care Services Work Program: Provide free college and community based seminars that teach people how to protect themselves and their loved ones from the high costs of long term health care now topping over $250K for individuals 65 years and older. (Priority: High. Time-Frame: On-Going.)
11. Special Events & Fund-Raising: A. “Celebrity Quest” is 16 Things Fund-Raising Event that empowers school kids by having them experience what it’s like to “Be a Celebrity” on the Red Carpet when competing in a Talent Contest. B. Grant Writing. (Priority: Medium. Time-Frame: On-Going.)
12. Television & Internet Programming: “Cooking with Kids” is fast-paced internet-based TV show featuring celebrities, experts and kids exploring health and nutrition issues, solutions and demonstrations of a recipe or two. (Priority: Medium. Time-Frame: On-Going.)
13. National Kid’s Awareness, Activities & Acknowledgement Month: Series of Free Workshops & Programs on critical issues including Health, Fitness, Finance & Life Skills, Literacy & Writing Skills etc. that inspire people to internalize information, be more proactive about influencing their sphere, and acknowledging and rewarding them as reinforcement. (Priority: Medium. Time-Frame: On-Going.)
14. Workshops, Seminars & Trade Shows: Held throughout the year on a community, city, state and national level, 16 Things Workshops, Seminars and Trade Shows focus on one or more of the problem issues that people need to overcome during their lives. (Priority: Medium. Time-Frame: On-Going.)
15. Legal Services Work Program: Provide free college and community based seminars that teach people how to protect themselves from the high cost of attorney fees through programs that provide unlimited legal advice, 24/7 emergency legal assistance, document review, reduced court fees and identity theft protection and restoration. (Priority: Medium. Time-Frame: On-Going.)
16. 16 Things College Course Programs: Place 16 Things programs in the Classroom to provide hands-on work experience to Business, Management, Marketing & Entrepreneurship students. (Priority: Medium. Time-Frame: On-Going.)
Career Programs Background:
Program Director, Lyle Benjamin, has been volunteering his time and expertise for years to run college based Internship and Work Experience Programs in conjunction with schools including NYC, Pace, Parsons, Pratt, Columbia, Cornell, Syracuse, St. Johns, etc.
While giving valuable interdisciplinary instruction to students and graduates, Benjamin knew that it was not enough: People need to supplement knowledge with income, and being financially independent means having a career, not a job. This approach led Benjamin to investigate three areas of need in the country (see below) and align his programs with other Socially Responsible Organizations that have compatible Missions: Helping Individuals and Families.
“If you aren’t on the career path you want and need then you owe it to
yourself to see whether you are suitable for any of these positions.”
Financial Services Career Track Program:
Financial Services Program : Duties: Help assess individual and family needs to educate people on how to build the most effective retirement plans, educational funding plans, and/or estate preservation plans. No Sales Experience required. No selling, no cold calling, no canvassing, no quotas required.
All Training Provided: Through lectures and on-going seminars (group training), small group workshops and discussions (team meetings), individualized training (mentoring sessions) and field training (mentoring sessions). Reading materials and videos are available online and in print. Requires State License which can be received concurrently.
Financial Goals: Step by Step program can have you earning thousands while you are still in training with the goal of a high five or six figure income after first year while working with some of the best companies in the financial services industry.
Ownership: When individuals have obtained promotions within the organization they will be eligible to have ownership rights including Selling, Willing or Retiring and still earning income.
Legal Services Work Program:
Legal Services: Duties: Help individuals, families, businesses get an array of legal services from top-rated law firms in the United States and Canada for only a low cost monthly fee.
Legal services includes unlimited legal advice on any number of issues, 24/7 emergency assistance, motor vehicle moving violations, letter and phone calls, document review will preparation, debt collection, landlord/ tenant, small claims court, social security, medicare and veteran’s benefits, estate settlement, trial defense, IRS audit, financial/medical/driver’s license identity theft protection/restoration and more.
Health Care Services Work Program:
Health Care Protection: Duties: Help individuals and families through part-time and full-time career track programs by providing education, analysis, and programs for Long Term Care, Disability Care; Emergency Care, Secure Income Coverage. Part-time and Full-time work is available. Government regulated and licensed professional position where we provide all training so you can earn while you learn. Can be combined with Financial Services and/or Legal Services positions for maximum flexibility and benefit to individuals and families. Requires State License which can be received concurrently.
Better Communication & Literacy Workshops:
Each workshop is for up to ten kids and lasts eight to twelve weeks. Kids read out loud to the group the problems and then spend time discussing the collateral issues. Just like the reasons college students join fraternities and sororities, kids in the workshops benefit from peer support, social networking, and contacts for later on in life. When the workshops are for kids, no adults are allowed. BCL Workshops are available through schools, libraries and organizations.
National Kid’s (Awareness, Activities & Acknowledgment) Month:
There is no question that as this generation of children grows into adults they will contend with the most difficult issues this country has ever faced over an extended period of time. While parents, schools and religious organizations do their best to educate their youth, there is no concerted effort to both engage the children in a unified systematic approach to the core issues while at the same time acknowledging, educating, and rewarding them for their efforts in exploring, learning, and working towards solutions to problems they effectively inherited.
Establishing the program in August coincides with children’s, parents and school schedules and provides a pathway to growth, development, maturity and success that will have tremendous rewards during the school-year and beyond.
We propose that each week in August focus on these key issues:
Week #1: Health, Fitness, Nutrition & Wellness
Week #2: Business, Finance & Life Skills
Week #3: Literacy & Writing Skills
Week #4: Volunteering, Mentoring & Public Service
The on-going goals of the program are to:
1) Bring additional attention to these subjects
2) Create mechanisms that encourage voluntary participation
3) Acknowledge said participation, and lastly
4) Foster attitudes and environments that help perpetuate commitment to these issues.
Organizations, companies, agencies, and associations will be encouraged to hold events, workshops, seminars, meetings, activities and programs relating to these areas. Additionally, both programs and parents will be encouraged to acknowledge and reward individual achievements at various points along the process.
Social Responsibility Clubs:
Program to establish and run clubs in colleges, high schools and communities that focus on diverse areas of interest that coincide with the Mission and programs of the organization. Recommended clubs can be: 16 Things Book Club, Global Initiative Club, Social Responsibility Club, Library Club, Social Media Club, Health & Nutrition Club, Mentoring Club, Volunteer Club, Internship Club, etc.
The focus of a Club may be limited to the school or community, or encompass the state, nation or globe depending on the objectives of each particular group.
Clubs can work independently or network through the 16Things Web Portal.
Global Initiative Program:
In accordance with our Mission of helping Kids, People and The Planet, 16 Things Kids Can Do’s Global Initiative provides a Forum for people of all ages to define problems that confront the world and then provides possible solutions to these problems.
The key to 16TGI is that it works to Involve the worldwide community in not only the discussions of the problems we face, but it also encourages people to be more proactive about working to provide solutions to these problems.
When someone you care about passes away, you are often only left with your memories and some photos to remind you of their life.
Ask people you care about to develop a Life List: 20, 50 or 100 things that they love about their life. Life Lists can include things of obvious importance like children, as well as other things you might not realize were of consequence to them: for example, their favorite Beatles song is Blackbird, their favorite movie was “To Sir With Love.”
For the people creating the Life Lists, it provides a way for them to reflect on all the positive things they experienced in their lives, and get some enjoyment from the process. The second benefit is that Life Lists provide a tangible legacy of people’s lives that can be shared with as many people as they wish. For the recipients, it’s an additional way for them know a person and remember the things that person valued during their life. It’s something that can be viewed and shared, and serves to keep the connection strong.
Variations on the Theme:
Variation #1: People of any age can create an Annual Life List and share it. By doing this annually the Life List provides a living, dynamic chronological index to one’s life.
Variation: #2: Add other significant events to your Life List, whether good or bad, to give a more complete picture of your life.
Workshops, Seminars & Trade Shows:
Held throughout the year on a community, city, state and national level, 16 Things Workshops, Seminars and Trade Shows focus on one or more of the problem issues that people need to overcome during their lives. Sponsoring companies and organizations help provide funding, venues, content, and logistic and organizational support the events culminating with the series of programs in conjunction with National Kids Awareness, Activities and Acknowledgment Month.
Television & Internet Programming:
16 Things TV Magazine: Think “60 Minutes” meets “Entertainment Tonight” and you have format for our Magazine Show. Two in-depth explorations of featured topics and a half dozen departments with 10-15-second clips. Segments are suggested, and sometimes produced, by viewer and clubs around the country.
16 Things Cooking with Kids TV:
It is a quick-paced show featuring celebrities, experts and kids exploring health and nutrition issues, solutions and demonstrations of a recipe or two. Hosted by kids and produced for kids of all ages.
Celebrity Quest TV:
16 Things Fund-Raising Event that empowers kids in schools and communities across the country to experience what it’s like to compete in a “Socially Responsible” Talent Contest that rewards effort and performance at all stages. Contests in different communities are filmed and submitted with clips forming the basis of the TV Show. As winning Individuals and Groups move up in the competition they are pitted against each other to narrow down the competition … ultimately culminating in the grand finale where the winners are chosen.